Se eu fosse um editor rico...
publicaria estas 2 pérolas da Ciência em Portugal... apesar de ser dinheiro deitado fora...

de John Barrow
Sunday Times `John Barrow... has assembled a pictorial feat alongside a witty, informative narrative.. Cosmic Imagery is a captivating pictorial and literary journey through the history of science... It is a book that will repay constant visits, and Bodley Head is to be congratulated on its lavish, robust production'
The Sunday Times 'captivating pictorial journey'
A História da Ciência e, no fundo, da curiosidade humana, contada pelas imagens que fascinaram e inspiraram os cientistas... um livro profundamente bem ilustrado, um guia para conhecer a relação íntima entre a Arte, o Homem e a Ciência!
The Road to Reality: A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe
de Roger Penrose

"'A truly remarkable book...this is just the sort of book that could inspire m athematical awakenings'
Sunday Times
The Road to Reality is the most important and ambitious work of science for a generation. It provides nothing less than a comprehensive account of the physical universe and the essentials of its underlying mathematical theory. It assumes no particular specialist knowledge on the part of the reader, so that, for example, the early chapters give us the vital mathematical background to the physical theories explored later in the book. Roger Penrose's purpose is to describe as clearly as possible our present understanding of the universe and to convey a feeling for its deep beauty and philosophical implications, as well as its intricate logical interconnections. The Road to Reality is rarely less than challenging, but the book is leavened by vivid descriptive passages, as well as hundreds of hand-drawn diagrams. In a single work of colossal scope one of the world's greatest scientists has given us a complete and unrivalled guide to the glories of the universe that we all inhabit.
Havia o fabuloso Feynman Lectures on Physics e, depois, há esta nova edição do excelente livro de Penrose; não há traduções para português de ambas as obras mas é uma falha grave para todos aqueles procuram uma descrição mais técnica sobre o Universo em que vivemos, sobre as leis físicas que o regem. Penrose utiliza toda a sua perícia científica e didáctica em prol de toda uma geração de estudantes de física que procuram este tipo de manuais técnicos e generalistas!
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